All Pre-Ban 9/13/1994 "Assault Weapons"

ATTENTION: As of 10/2/2024 with the passing of the H.4885 gun law, requirements in Massachusetts have been drastically re-written. Check out our article here on how that impacts Semi-Auto ownership.

Since the laws have changed in MA, just because a rifle is “pre-ban ’94” does not make it legal to own in MA. It also needs to have been in the state prior to 8/1/2024. Read into the new Grandfathering clause here.

If a gun does not meet these requirements, we will not sell it to a MA resident, sorry. If it does not say “MA OK” in the listing, it probably isn’t, even if it was made before ’94. Please call us with any questions. The Pre-Ban 8/01/2024 page is where you’ll want to look to be sure.

From 1994 to 2004 the USA had a national “Assault Weapons Ban”. Firearms and magazines made before September 13, 1994 (the day the law went into effect) were exempt from the law. These grandfathered items are commonly know as “pre-ban” firearms and magazines.

These firearms are exempt from the “two feature” test which restricts what (primarily cosmetic) features can be included on the firearm:

  • Detachable magazine
  • Telescoping or Folding Stock
  • Flash Hider or Threaded Barrel
  • Barrel Shroud
  • Pistol Grip
  • Bayonet Mount
  • Grenade Launcher
  • etc

The federal law expired in 2004. Meanwhile in 1998, the Massachusetts legislature voted to keep the assault weapons ban in effect permanently in the state.

After the 2016 Massachusetts Attorney General “re-interpretation” the only way to purchase a complete AR or AK from a dealer was though a Pre-Ban Firearm. The window for these rifles to come into the state and be available to residents closed on 8/01/2024.